Gen&WS 446: Queer of Color Critique
An examination of the emergent theoretical field of queer of color critique, a mode of analysis grounded in the struggles and world-making of LGBTQ people of color.
File: GWS_446-Honors_Spring-2023.pdfAn examination of the emergent theoretical field of queer of color critique, a mode of analysis grounded in the struggles and world-making of LGBTQ people of color.
File: GWS_446-Honors_Spring-2023.pdfWhere have we come from and where are we going? Designed to take us on a journey and tell stories of knowledge building over time, we will explore feminist theories from a broad array of disciplines and perspectives.
File: GenWS-449-Fall-2024-Syllabus.pdfIn this session of Gender & Women's Studies 449, we will address feminist theories of “uncertainty, doubt,” and “skepticism,” alongside theoretical and cultural texts which take that uncertainty as a site of radical “political imagination” and possibility. By examining work from queer and feminist theorists including Gloria Anzaldúa, Audre Lorde, Barbara Johnson, Judith Butler, Eve Sedgwick, Jennifer Nash, Sara Ahmed, Marquis Bey, Jasbir Puar, and more, we will identify new forms for reckoning with uncertainty as we navigate activist pasts and imagine new feminist futures.
File: GenWS-449-003_Uncertainty_Fall-2024_Cannell.pdfMajor texts by Asian American women writers.
File: syll-464-sp-20-1.pdfA history of sexuality approach to a period of major social, economic, and political change in US history, 1880-1930; medical, legal, and popular discourses shaping urbanization, reform, nationalism and colonialism.
File: HIS519Fall2013Enke.pdfExamination of theories and research on the psychology of women and gender.
File: GenWS-522_Hyde_Fall-2021.pdfExplores various aspects of identity politics and body politics such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, ability, and citizenship status as they relate to and intersect with body size and constructions of fatness. Situates how fatness has been conceptualized over time, the formation of the gendered body ideals, and the proliferation of obesity rhetoric.
File: GenWS-523_Phelps_Syllabus_Spring-2023.pdfExamines the contemporary global health project in historical and cultural context, highlighting some of the greatest sources of tension and struggle. Uses a feminist lens and focuses on gender as key analytic category to course explore the ways that the distribution of global wealth and power impacts health and well-being around the world.
File: GWS-525_Critical-Persepctives-on-Gender-and-Global-Health_V2.pdfThis interdisciplinary course focuses on scientific approaches to studying sexuality. We discuss current biological and neuroscientific research about sexuality, as well as feminist scholarship on these topics and critical responses to this research. Topics cover the intersections between biology (e.g., hormones, anatomy, neural activity, psychophysiology, evolution, etc.), sexuality (e.g., desire, dysfunction, arousal, bisexuality, orgasm, same-sex sexuality, pleasure, etc.), and feminist/critical scholarship about this research (e.g., feminist science studies, queer theory, feminist psychology, medicalization, etc.).
File: GenWS-528_Sexuality-Science-Syllabus_Fall-2024_Chadwick.pdfWomen as patients and as health professionals in America from the colonial period to the present.
File: Women-and-Health-2019.pdf