Associate Professor Judy Houck Featured in “The Honors Challenge”

Judy Houck

Associate Professor of GWS and History, Judy Houck has been featured in the Fall 2019 edition of The Honors Challenge for the College of Letters & Science (p.5), for her honors seminar Gen&WS 531: Women and Health in American History.

“The course tackles provocative questions in its exploration of women and health, investigating the effect of gender on the perception and experience of illness, exploring medical views and personal experiences.”

Sara Stephenson, Honors Associate Director of Academic Services and head of the Honors advising team, shares about Professor Houck’s course, “A course with a health-sciences focus from a Humanities perspective taught with interdisciplinary breadth is very high on the wish list of many Honors students.”

And, a participant of Professor Houck’s course Gen&WS 531: Women and Health in American History shares, “I treasure our in-class discussions and hope to apply my knowledge to my future studies and interactions with patients.”

Professor Houck considers teaching Honors courses “among the highlights of [her] career at this university.” The full article can be found here, on page 5.

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