University of Wisconsin Resources
Offices of the Dean of Students (
The Offices of the Dean of Students webpage provides numerous resources, from the policies and procedures related to the student code of conduct to lists and descriptions of campus resources.
Writing Center (
The Writing Center helps “undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines become more effective, more confident writers.” The website includes specific resources for TA’s and faculty, including class visits and student handouts. (
McBurney Center (
The McBurney Center’s mission is to “assist in creating an accessible university community where students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of the educational environment. We cooperate through partnerships with students, faculty, and staff to promote students’ independence and to ensure recognition of their abilities, not disabilities.”
Office for Equity & Diversity (
The Office for Equity and Diversity “promotes, integrates, and transfers equity and diversity principles to advance and support the mission of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.” The website includes information on discrimination and harassment policies and procedures.
Program in English as a Second Language (
Includes information on ESL classes available to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the International Teaching Assistant (ITA) Training Program.
Letters & Science Learning Support Services (
L&S Learning Support Services (LSS) is “a learning resource department serving Letters & Science faculty, staff, and students.” It “provide(s) a variety of services and programs which allow faculty to make use of instructional technology ranging from overhead projectors to video players to language labs to computers.”
Course Reserves & Materials (
Library Course Reserves is one of many campus services that can help you connect your students to course materials. The libraries are also glad to assist you with finding materials to make available to students in other ways. Arrange for a consultation with a librarian to talk about how the libraries can best help you.
Classroom Media Support (
This site was created as a resource for UW Madison instructors who use the General Assignment Classrooms with Instructional Technology.