Celebrating Graduation, May 2022

Welcome to the Gender and Women’s Studies and LGBTQ+ Studies celebration of 2022 graduates. You will find a few words from Judy Houck, the Department Chair, and from Pernille Ipsen, Director of Graduate Studies.

There are also loads of wonderful quotes and photos from graduates, faculty, and staff.

Find more celebration on the Spring Commencement 2022 page and remember to hashtag your social media with #UWGrad. Best wishes as you graduate. Stay in touch. We love to hear how you are doing and what you are doing in post-graduate life.

To All of Our Graduates –

Congratulations! Your years of discovery, struggle, and determination have brought you here! We celebrate your accomplishments in the classroom and beyond. We love that you’ve shared your journey with us.

Soon you’ll be on to the next thing. On your path, speak your truth, take things on, read fat books, try new food, and take your time. You’ve got this!

– Judy Houck, Evjue-Bascom Professor and Chair in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and Professor in the Department of History

To Our Graduating MA Students –

We are so proud of the ways that you supported each other during the last two years. You have been so important to the work of our department as energetic scholars and teachers. Thank you! We are so impressed with your work and wish you everything good on your paths.

– Pernille Ipsen, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Gender and Women’s Studies and Professor and Director of the Program in Gender and Women’s History in the Department of History

GWS and LGBTQ+ Studies Graduates

These photos and captions will also be shared on the GWS Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.

MA Students in GWS

Rodlyn-mae Banting
Jenny Fierro-Padilla
Anshu Jain
Sonia Olmos
Amy Pearce

GWS Majors

Karyn Abrego
Delaney Agnew
Sarah Akakpo
Janneke Byck
Anthony Cattani
Maya Cherins
Kelly Conaghan
Priscilla Contreras
Julia De Georgeo
Avery Dick
Emily Duernberger
Dean Dvorak
Maggie Grote
Cyrus Guderyon
Elizabeth Hodge
Sona Holsen
Rebecca Keller
Hannah Kennedy
Caitlyn Klostermann
Maggie McCormick
Sarah McLeod
Wuffa K.
Ashley Neumann
Caitlin Reiffman
Ella Schultz
Lizzi Sheil
Xi Shen
Rachel Sina
Zakia Trotter
Emma Wardour
Lacey Wedell
Brooke Wilczewski
Nat Xu
Amy Yadev
Yumeng Zhang
Crystal Zhao

LGBTQ+ Studies Certificates

Ian Bould
Anthony Cattani
Nathan Dyer
Shelby Foss
Cyrus Guderyon
Laron Higgins
Hannah Kennedy
Adrian Lampron
Rebecca Michael
Justin Myrah
Dominick Zappa

GWS Certificates

Molly Abrams
Kayana Adams
Callie Arellano
Shaniya Auxier
Shreya Bandyopadhyay
Tristin Bautista
Sophie Begin
Hazel Behling
Elisse Bergstrom
Payton Bertrang
Kathryn Binder
Allison Biskowitz
Alexandra Bleakley
Sydney Bobb
Amelia Boehning
Vivienne Brandt
Kristen Buelow
Raquel Burnham
Jatziri Campos
Olivia Canady
Grace Cano
Jennifer Caraballo
Lindsey Cardell
Sophia Carel
Viridiana Carreno
Christine Cheung
Kayla Chung
Lindsay Cohen
Lailee Connell
Angelica Contreras
Abigail Crneckiy
Nikki Cuevas
Claire Cummings
Gwendolyn Daberkow
Zari Dehdashti
Erica Dick
Amelia Dow
Delaney Drake
Sofia Drotts
Rachel Dubyak
Chloe Eggers
Talia Eiseman
Olivia Eisenhauer
Elizabeth Ellick
Julia Endicott
Keiko Engel
Shelby Foss
Tamia Fowlkes
Josie Fried
Greta Frontero
Ashley Gage
Alexis Gaillard
Laura Garling
Sylvie Gitler
Jessica Gomez
Maya Gonzalez
Gretchen Grams
Mae Green
Jayda Griffin
Gabrielle Gronewold
Nicoleia Haris
Chloe Herbrand
Justine Hill
Alexander Hind
Emma Hoff
Johanna Hussain
Alexis Huven
Kaylynn Imsande
Cameron Jacobson
Devin Jellish
Autumn Johnson
Alex Johnson-Fry

GWS Certificates, continued

Jaylina Karmacharya
Hannah Kekst
Roberta Keller
Kendall Kennedy
Danielle Keran
Kristen Koenig
Shuka Konishi
Audra Koscik
Natalia Kwiatkowska
Ellorie Lacey
Megan Lane
Grace Latzig
Sydnee Lee
Paige Leiser
Lauren Lindner
Alexandra Lindstrom
Isabella Lisak
Elizabeth Lorge
Emily Lufti
Elena Mandarino
Olivia Matts
Caitlyn McQuiston-Keil
Kyra Meach
Nicole Meerbrey
Gracie Morris
Jami Morschauser
Megan Murphy
Emily Nelsen
Kylie Nennig
Annika Nerbovig
Kendall Newman
Halli Olsen
Guilia Palermo
Monika Pantha
Alana Pecha
Megan Peterson
Molly Pistono
Haley Pitman
Kaitlyn Plautz
Simran Qureshi
Kelly Rash
Miranda Rasmussen
Talia Rawitz
Lauren Resch
Alejandra Reyther
Jordyn Rinehart
Alyssa Riphenburg
Sofia Rodriguez
Natalia Rojas
Kay Romanin, II
Felicity Rondeau
Mallory Rongstad
Arielle Rosen
Evan Rubin
Kaitlyn Saari
Lauren Saban
Jordan Sacher
Nicholas Santas
Yui Sato
Cailyn Schiltz
Allison Schopf
Jay Schrimpf
Jordan Shapiro
Hanaa Siddiqui
Sadie Stelter
Michaela Suski
Lily Trunsky
Maya Tunney
Olivia Turner
Kylie Ver Kuilen
Colette Vitiritti
Peyton Vogt
Nicole Voytovich
Sophia Webber
Madalynn Welch
Emilee Wescher
Olivia Wheelis
Sara Wilke
Mai Chia Xiong
Amanjot Yadev
Sophie Yarosh
Tanner Yops
Haoyang Yue
Samantha Zeid
Nihan Zhou