GWS Student Spotlight – Alex Patterson

Alex Patterson is majoring in Biochemistry and getting a certificate in Gender & Women’s Studies.

  1. Why did you choose GWS?

I chose GWS because I think it is very useful to remind myself that people outside my social bubble exist and are not just headlines on a screen. These people are actually going through these life-changing events and deserve more than just an “oh that sucks.” GWS makes me feel more empathetic and empowered to produce change.

  1. Has GWS changed your approach to your involvement (on or off campus) during college? If so, how?

I volunteer on and off campus teaching dance, tutoring, and helping people at a dental office. With GWS, I can tackle problems that arise with a more balanced perspective. A lot of things impact our lives and moods, so by having these classes, I feel like I can try to make well rounded decisions and act accordingly.

3.How has GWS shaped your future plans?

GWS has shaped my future as a dental professional. I feel like GWS has broadened my horizons and made me remember that my path is not the only one walked, especially when considering different backgrounds. This will be helpful for interacting with patients and coworkers. I am glad I am doing this certificate.