GWS Student Spotlight – Michael Rozier

Michael Rozier is majoring in Gender & Women’s Studies.

  1. Why did you choose GWS?
    I chose to pursue GWS for a couple of reasons. First, as a person that is passionate about social justice, I was drawn in by the large number of intersectional course offerings. Most importantly though, it was the passion conveyed through the teachings of my incredible GWS professors that led me to pursue GWS as a major.
  2. Has GWS changed your approach to your involvement (on or off campus) during college? If so, how?
    Pursuing GWS has challenged  me to lead with introspection and reflexivity, especially within the college setting. It has encouraged me to make critical thought a daily exercise and always ask  “Who is not being included in this conversation? Why? How can I change that?”
  3. How has GWS shaped your future plans?
    Though I was originally planning to directly enter the workforce after graduation, GWS has inspired me to pursue an advanced degree! As a person that aims to pursue an inclusive consulting career, I know that there is so much that I continue learning within GWS!