Jane Schulenburg
Position title: Faculty Emerita
Email: jaschule@wisc.edu
Room 7360
21 N Park St
Madison, WI 53715

Over the years I have presented scores of papers at various conferences and universities in the US, Canada, Britain, Italy, and Germany. These presentations have focused on medieval women saints, heroics of virginity, monasticism, policies of enclosure, gender and sacred space, pilgrimage and miracles, and medieval embroidery. In 2002 I designed a new upper level Women’s Studies course at UW-Madison with a focus on Historical Perspectives of Gender, Space and Place (from the ancient world to modern times.) Since 1972, in my position in Continuing Studies, I have taught a variety of medieval history and art history courses and have organized many different interdisciplinary medieval classes for adults. I have also organized and led thirty-one University of Wisconsin Continuing Education medieval seminars to France, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Spain, and Germany.
Gender-related Courses:
GWS 310: Special Topics in Gender, Women and the Humanities: Gender, Place and Space
GWS/Medieval Studies 416: Women in Medieval Society
Selected Publications:
Forgetful of Their Sex: Female Sanctity & Society, 500-1100 (University of Chicago, 1998/pb 2001).
“Gender, Celibacy and Proscriptions of Sacred Space: Symbol and Practice,” reprinted with revisions in Women’s Spaces, eds. Sarah Stanbury and Virginia Raguin. State University of New York Press, 2005.
“Forgetful of Their Sex: Female Sanctity and Society,” in Contesting Christendom: Readings in Medieval Religion and Culture, ed. James L. Halverson. Rowan and Littlefield: Lanham, Maryland and Plymouth, UK, 2008, pp. 45-55.
“Women’s Monasticism and Sacred Space: The Promotion of Saints’ Cults and Miracles,” in Professing Gender, eds. Felice Lifshitz and Lisa Bitel. University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia. 2008. (28 pages).
“Holy Women and the Needle Arts: Piety, Devotion, and Stitching the Sacred, ca. 500-1150,” in Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe: Gender, Power, Patronage and the Authority of Religion in Latin Christendom, eds. Scott Wells and Katherine Allen Smith. Brill, 2008, pp. 95-125.
In Progress:
Working title: Gender and the Construction of Sacred Space in Medieval Society: From Womb to Tomb, ca. 500-1300. Book length manuscript in progress.