Chelsea Thompto


My research and artistic practices are strongly rooted in my experience as a transwoman, exploring the ways in which trans bodies are viewed and politicize in the U.S.A.. Currently, I am studying the ways in which the Mississippi River has been visualized and modified by colonizing forces in order to make it more commercially and strategically valuable from a western perspective and how that might compare to the ways in which trans bodies have been and are being visualized and made strategically useful in contemporary political debates, popular culture, and medical/legal discourses. My work engages a wide variety materials including text, photo, video, coded works, bookbinding, digitally fabricated objects, and more.

M.A. (4D) University of Wisconsin Madison 2018
M.A. (Sculpture) California State University Sacramento 2016
B.F.A. (Sculpture) University of Iowa 2012

PA for Stephen Hilyard: Fall 2018 – Spring 2019
TA for Art 100: Fall 2016 – Spring 2018