Transcript for Faculty and Lecturer Montage

Associate Professor Sami Schalk:
Hey class of 2020, congratulations. I’m sorry that your graduation isn’t what you pictured but I hope that you’re celebrating this incredible achievement. Everything you’ve learned as Gender & Women’s Studies students is so applicable to the world right now. Social justice matters right now, activism matters, turning theory into praxis. So take that knowledge, take those skills, make the world a better place.

Associate Professor Judy Houck:
Our communities will thrive because of our students. They will be relationship builders and community changers that play music on their balconies and they’ll dance in the aisles. They’ll walk their dogs and they’ll loan their power tools. They’ll organize book groups and boycotts. They’ll plant community gardens and they’ll coach little leagues. They’ll get out to vote, they’ll march in the streets, they’ll shout to be heard. They’ll be the change. I can’t wait.

Professor Janet Hyde:
Congratulations graduates. I feel like we’re sending out a small core of engineers into the world to do good. With your training in GWS and LGBT Studies, you have the knowledge, the critical thinking skills and the writing skills necessary to succeed in a career, whatever career you choose. You are also prepared to be exceptional citizens. You will identify discrimination and do something about it. You will insist on comprehensive sexuality education in the schools. You will be active politically and will never throw away your vote by not voting. You will do good in the world.

Assistant Professor James McMaster:
Hey everyone, this is Professor James McMaster here. I just wanted to say congrats class of 2020 on everything you’ve accomplished in your time at UW and in GWS. I also wanted to say thank you because there is almost nothing that I am sure of in this moment of history, but I am sure that you all are going to take the education you’ve earned here and make the world, this world into something that is actually worthy of us in all of our beautiful, magnificent difference. So do good, be well, and congrats.

Associate Professor Jenny Higgins:
Hi, my name is Jenny Higgins and I’m a faculty member in Gender & Women’s Studies. I may have had some of you in 103, the Gender Health Intro class. I got a BA myself in Gender & Women’s Studies as an undergraduate and I think what it did for me was give me a lens through which to view the world, as well as a lens through which I could be a better vessel of good in the world. And in those efforts, focus on equity, justice, as well as compassion and care for each other. So I hope you all can take that lens into the world yourselves and be vessels of good. Best wishes.

Dr. Araceli Alonso:
Congratulations to the class of 2020. I want to congratulate all of you. It has not been easy to get where you are. I especially want to thank the students who have taken classes with me because you have allowed me, you have given me the freedom to experiment with all of you and to take you around the world to explore women’s health and human rights. Sometimes in class and sometimes really around the world in different countries. And in return, you have shown me the big impact of putting together, in our courses, activism, advocacy and knowledge. You have also shown me that if the future is in your hands, we will be very okay. I wish you the best of the best and I will see you around the world as you make changes for a better future for all. Thank you very much and congratulations again.

Assistant Professor Annie Menzel:
Hi Gender & Women’s Studies graduating students, I’m Professor Annie Menzel and I just wanted to say a first: huge congratulations for all of the very hard work that you have done. You inspire me in so many ways. Your commitment to justice, your understanding of power, your sensitivity to injustice in all its forms, your creativity and curiosity, the way that you deeply value friendship, your willingness to feel hard feelings and to be real about your process. Your vulnerabilities and your strengths. Thank you.

Professor Chris Garlough:
Congratulations class of 2020. I can’t tell you how proud I am of all that you’ve accomplished and I want to thank you for everything you’ve taught me about community, about care, about accountability and most of all about how much hard work can pay off. I know that you are going to make a huge difference in our communities, in our nation, in our world at large, and I’m really looking forward to seeing where you go so please stay in touch. Congratulations again class of 2020.

Dr. Kate Phelps:
I just want to say congratulations to all of our phenomenal GWS and LGBTQ+ Studies students. I have learned so much from you in the time that we’ve spent together in the classroom and I know that you’re going to take everything you’ve learned and internalized and created together in this community out into the world and do absolutely phenomenal things. You are all so courageous, earnest and eager and it has been such an honor and I’m so excited for what you do next.

Associate Professor Judy Houck (640 grads):
I’d like to give a special shout-out to the students in the fall 2019 Gender & Women’s Studies Capstone. It was such a great experience getting to know you folks. You were fun, interesting, insightful and inspiring. As we trace the history of gender and women’s studies, and as we explored how it might inform our current moment, I was humbled by your commitment to thinking deeply, inclusively and creatively. We tackled some tricky and confusing issues, but you delighted in the complexity and were undeterred by the uncertainty. Thank you for sharing part of your journey with me.

Assistant Professor Chris Barcelos:
Hi everyone, Professor Chris Barcelos here. I just wanted to say that you all are awesome and a big congratulations and I’m so sorry that you have to miss graduation so I made a little something special for you. *cue to video of adorable cat wearing a graduation cap and tassel walking to the tune of Pomp and Circumstance*