“Care: Politics, Performances, Publics, Practices” Workshop

Flower ImageBeginning in Fall 2019, GWS Professors Chris Garlough and Annie Menzel, and Michael Peterson, Professor of Art and Director of the graduate program in Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies, are leading a Mellon-Borghesi “Care: Politics, Performances, Publics, Practices” Workshop workshop through the Center for the Humanities to build a community of inquiry around the concept of “care.” Participants from a variety of different fields — Gender and Women’s Studies, Psychology, Anthropology, Education, Journalism and Mass Communications, Theatre and Performance Studies, among others — come together through a readings group, lectures, and “hands on” workshops to deepen a collective understanding of care’s potential.  What does it encompass? How can we recognize it? What is its social and political promise? What are its limitations?

More information, including upcoming events, can be found here.