Saja Abu Hakmeh

Andrew Briceno
GWS and LGBTQ+ Studies taught me that thinking critically through a lens that centers the importance of gender and sexuality is an important tool for any field.

Sydney Copus
Gender and Women's Studies has taught me a plethora of important lessons during my time as an undergraduate student. It has taught me that feminism means different things for different people and that we need to welcome these differences. It has taught me that it is important to question our knowledge systems, personal biases, and the ways that we navigate our own privileges. It has taught me that the personal is political, and that we all have the ability to be catalysts for change. GWS has taught me to think critically, problem solve, and collaborate with others and I feel confident taking on any future endeavors!

Raina Gerritts
GWS has taught me that our healthcare system may be broken, but I still have the ability to become a physician who prioritizes equitable care for all and actively works to fix the issues through my individual actions and impactful policy.

Emma Hinker
GWS taught me that being a woman is powerful. These classes have opened my eyes and it has empowered me to stand up for women everywhere.

Allison Kelliher
With my GWS education, I will help make our world a more loving and inclusive place.

Mary Grace Larson
With my GWS education, I will integrate intersectional feminism into my professional career and push for progressive political change that will structural inequalities based in identity. We need to end differential access to education, health care, and economic stability. GWS taught me how to become a better ally and advocate, and use my privilege to empower those less fortunate than me.

Megan Nedden
GWS has taught me that everyone's unique story is equally important. I have learned to embrace the beautiful world of difference and strive to use this knowledge as a physician one day to help decrease health inequities in marginalized groups.

Katie Pilarski
GWS has taught me that I am a strong woman who matters and is going to do big things.

Haley Schmidt

Lydia Stiegman
GWS has taught me that the greatest tools for gaining knowledge are compassion and each other.

Ruwandi Imalsha Wijenawake
GWS has taught me the importance of thinking critically and claiming my education.

Olivia Anderson
With my GWS Studies education, I will strive to be the best activist and writer I can be to help dismantle systems of oppression!

Natalie Brunner
GWS has taught me all to take a critical eye to what is expected of me as a woman in public and private places, to be mindful of my words and unspoken biases, to actively work to dismantle stigma in defense of others, to proudly identify as a feminist, and to celebrate every person, including myself, for who they are.

Elizabeth Dohm
GWS taught me so much about myself and the people around me and brought in so many new, amazing perspectives into my life that I will use post-graduation! So thankful!

Margaret Hackett
With the tools I have been given through my Gender and Women’s Studies Certificate, I will be able to confront gender and racial heath disparities in my pursuit of a Master’s in Public Health at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health.

Lauren Hoffarth
With my GWS education, I will pursue a career in public policy to address the social determinants of health and health inequities.

Ariana King
GWS has taught me the concept of intersectionality - how people's multiple identities change the ways in which they experience oppression. I use this concept in my activism for abortion access to analyze the ways in which the same statewide restrictions impact marginalized populations in unequal ways.

Madyson Lehmann
GWS has taught me so many important things, but most of all it has taught me to stand up for what I believe in and that my voice matters!

Aastha Pandey
GWS has taught me the importance of claiming my education and using my voice to make a difference in the world around me.

Kaitlynne Roling
GWS has taught me to keep pushing beyond boundaries and borders. To always expect and fight for more for everyone! I owe a lot of my personal, emotional, and mental growth to this major and my time here. I am forever thankful for the tools I have learned, and will continue to push for more.

Courtney Schwalbach

Mia Wagner
All of my favorite courses in college have been in the Gender and Women’s Studies Department. I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of this program and have learned from the most badass professors on campus.

Megan Wittman

Emerson Encell
GWS has continued to inspire me to be the best activist I can be. I will continue my studies in GWS while pursuing a master in public policy with a focus on reproductive justice.

Grace Bossert

Hannah Cole
With my GWS Studies education, I will better serve the LGBTQ+ community, and women, in my future nursing career.

Kaylee Garland
GWS has taught me to embrace the beautiful diversity of the world and go about life with a critical, but open mind.

Julia Hagen
With this amazing foundation in Gender and Women’s Studies, I am excited to pursue a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Kansas State University and use my knowledge from my undergraduate career to focus on sexuality, pleasure, and sex education.

Ella Hosack
As an accounting double major, I will use my Gender & Women's Studies education to help break down the glass ceiling. I will mentor other young women going into this profession, and seek female role models to guide me through this male dominated business environment. I am so grateful for my GWS education and the unique perspective it’s given me as a businesswoman.

Ellie Knoll
GWS has taught me how to think critically about social justice issues and to be a more well-rounded student.

Ellie Martin
My GWS education will impact every aspect of my life and has made me an open-minded, smarter human being.

Emma Patet
GWS has taught me how to problematize many aspects of my life that I have never thought to critique before; I feel like a much more conscious individual, friend and ally because of this!

Amanda Scharenbrock
GWS has taught me that I am in control of my own body and I hope to spread that message to whoever needs it.

Rabiya Leela Sehgal-Laroque

Kayla Wasserman
My GWS education has not only provided me with the skills and confidence to enter the post-grad world but has also instilled in me a sense of responsibility to pursue a future career that fights for social change.

Sumin Yang
With my GWS education, I hope to continue practicing inclusivity and undoing the harms of oppressive systems in my everyday life. I will never stop learning to unlearn and grow as a person as all GWS classes taught me to do so.
Graduating Students in Gender and Women's Studies
GWS Major
Saja Abu Hakmeh
Olivia Anderson
Brooke Behlmer
Andrew Briceno
Katie Danforth
Ana Campo Peralta
Hannah Cole
Sydney Copus
Sierra DeMartino
Katherine Eberley
Anne Eisenman
Emerson Encell
Renee Engels
Josie Garwood
Sarah Gaydos
Raina Gerritts
Julia Hagen
Lauren Hoffarth
Katie Jakubowski
Isabel Jordan
Elaina Keiser
Allison Kelliher
Elizabeth Knoll
Maura Pallitta
Aastha Pandey
Leah Piehl
Katie Pilarski
Abby Roberts
Kaitlynne Roling
Mackenzie Schlangen
Courtney Schwalbach
Allison Severin
Lariisa Stewart
Lydia Stiegman
Kaitlin Verchimak
Kayla Wasserman
Julia Wu
Ada Zhang
LGBTQ+ Studies Certificate
Andrew Briceno
Kimberly Duke
Emma Knutson
Haley Schmidt
Maya Smithson
Lariisa Stewart
GWS Certificate
Sophia Anderson
Raven Bachand
Maria Balbach
Olivia Bee
Ariana Blair
Rhiannon Bloczynski
Grace Bossert
Brianna Bren
Katherine Brenneke
Kailyn Brown
Natalie Brunner
Haley Buerger-Cole
Nora Burgener
Natalia Caldas
Breanna Callaway
Yeritza Carreno
Kathryn Castle-Wisman
Robyn Cawley
Natasha Cherono
Nicole Chladek
Elizabeth Clarke
Sid Conway
Alexandra Counts
Mackenzie Cowles
Kahley Czupek
Samantha DeSantiago
Elizabeth Dohm
Elise Drott
Madison Duello
Karissa Ebert
Allison Elliot
Xiunan Fan
Laura Farlow
Jaclyn Felicijan
Mackenzie Finch
Kaylee Garland
Marisa Gasparri
Grace Gecewicz
Chloe Gehl
Annie Gense
Holly Gill-Kneebone
Rebecca Glendon
Jessica Glickman
Alejandra Gonzales-Walker
Anesha Gordon
Meredith Grimes
Brooke Grover
Ava Gurman
Margaret Hackett
Serena Haley
Regina Hein
Emma Hicks
Leah Hollar
Ella Hosack
Alyssa Hui
Ella Hyndiuk
Emily Izenman
Dema Jaber
Katherine Johnson
Orli Jona
Samantha Jones
GWS Certificate cont.
Almira Khan
Ariana King
Isabel King
Emma Knutson
Nikita Konkel
Eli Krebs
Mary Grace Larson
Madyson Lehmann
Adeline Lennon
Jessica Levy
Megan Lewandowski
Victoria Lewis
Haley Liptow
Sophie Looker
Elizabeth Martin
Katherine McCarthy
Kathryn McClure
Samantha Michaels
Kierra Miller
Emily Mogden
Caroline Mohr
Arielle Mora Hurtado
Megan Nedden
Mia Ogorchock
Bridget Olig
Abby Olivieiri
Junlin Ou
Tayler Palkowski
Maura Pallitta
Emma Patet
Shalini Patro
Olivia Poches
Claudia Pott
Megan Provost
Katherine Reinemann
Haley Rohloff
Christa Russell
Nesha Ruther
Maria Schaefer
Amanda Scharenbrock
Leah Schmeling
McKenzie Schmitz
Rabiya Sehgal-LaRocque
Teressa Shaw
Lauren Souza
Kennedy Stumpf
Dahlia Tesfamichael
Catherine Torner
Lindsey Tushman
Mfonobong Ufot
Julia Urban
Shayna Valianos
Amelia Wagner
Claire Warsek
Lea Wheeler
Ruwandi Wijenayake
Carissa Witthuhn
Megan Wittman
Emma Woods
Natalie Worcester
Sumin Yang
Jasmine Zeidan