CORE is Hiring

CORE logoCORE (Collaborative for Reproductive Equity) is hiring for two positions who will help build CORE and share their expertise in support of its mission. In keeping with CORE’s values, CORE is especially excited about candidates who represent the diverse communities that CORE serves in its research and related efforts.

The CORE Research Program Manager (application deadline 10/23 at 11:55pm) will be critical to CORE’s research infrastructure and our efforts to address reproductive health inequities. The Research Program Manager will provide research and research support services to CORE projects. The position will include data collection and analysis, project management, and preparation of reports, papers, and presentations. Please find details here.

The CORE Research Communications Associate (application deadline 10/14 at 11:55pm) will translate and disseminate CORE research in order to 1) build evidence and awareness related to reproductive health in Wisconsin; 2) contribute to more informed policy and healthcare systems; and 3) address time-sensitive health inequities. This role will encompass creating our communications strategy, publishing content, delivering materials through a variety of outlets, and managing media. Please find details here.