Creative Arts Awards Granted to Two from GWS

Orion Risk (left), Dr. Finn Enke (right)
Orion Risk (left), Dr. Finn Enke (right)

Dr. Finn Enke and MA student Orion Risk have both received Awards in the Creative Arts for 2023 from the Division of the Arts. The Emily Mead Baldwin Award in the Creative Arts was granted to Dr. Enke for their work, which “engages the porousness of life-death, dis/ability, and the interplay of visible and nonvisible aspects of embodiment.” Orion Risk, who is working toward their PhD in Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies, and their MA in Gender & Women’s Studies won the Lyman S.V. Judson and Ellen Mackechnie Judson Graduate Student Award in the Creative Arts for their work, which “explores discourses of care in gender, communication, and performance, taking performance as method and object.”

Congratulations to both of them for their exemplary work in the arts!

You can read more here.