Day of the Badger Success!

Thank you to all who contributed to the Department of Gender & Women’s Day of the Badger success! We are humbled and honored that so many of you chose to support Gender & Women’s Studies this year. Some of the highlights of this online day of giving campaign included:

  • We more than met our matching grant of $2500 and raised a combined $6055 during this campaign!
  • We received 33 gifts of which more than half were first time donors to GWS!
  • We received hundreds of likes and shares across our social media platforms. And we increased our Instagram followers to more than 1,000 during the campaign!

We look forward to continuing to share with you the impact these funds will have on our students, our programs, and our department in the coming year. We look forward to making our students feel welcome back in our classrooms and in Sterling Hall. These funds will help us support our students as we return to campus this fall.

Again, thank you all for your support of Gender & Women’s Studies!

Day of the Badger faculty quote