The UW System has awarded Professor Finn Enke (Gender & Women’s Studies, and History) the Dr. P.B. Poorman Award for Outstanding Achievement on Behalf of LGBTQ+ People, which is one of two DEI awards given to members of the UW System each year. This award is given to a UW System faculty, staff member, student, or community member, who is part of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally of the community, whose work has advanced diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence through their scholarship, advocacy, or activism, who have brought about organizational change and/or social justice, who seek to meet their campus’s goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and who transform their campus climate on behalf of (and/or to improve visibility of) LGBTQ+ people.
Dr. Enke’s achievements in bringing the first trans* studies courses to UW-Madison, heading up the LGBTQ+ Certificate Program in GWS since its inception, their scholarship on the history of sexuality and gender, and so much more, make them beyond eligible for this award. You can read more about Dr. Enke’s work on behalf of LGBTQ+ people at UW-Madison, as well as Dr. Carolina Sarmiento, the other UW-Madison recipient of a UW System DEI award, here.