The University of Wisconsin-Madison is seeking to hire three tenure-track or tenured faculty members in the area of reproductive equity. One position will be in health services research and will have a likely tenure home in Obstetrics and Gynecology or Population Health Sciences [position vacancy listing (PVL) #94599]. One position will be in Public Policy and Reproductive Health and will have a likely tenure home in the La Follette School of Public Policy [PVL #94865]. Finally, one position will be in Social Causes and Consequences of Reproductive Health and will have a likely tenure home in Gender and Women’s Studies, Sociology, or Social Work [PVL #94972]. All three positions are open rank; candidates may apply at the level of assistant, associate, or senior level. Joint appointments in other units are possible. Candidates with cross-disciplinary expertise are encouraged to apply for more than one position.
For more information on how to apply, use the links above or go to and enter in the indicated PVL numbers. Applications must be received by October 1, 2018.
Contact Jennifer Higgins at or 608-890-4622 with questions you might have about these positions.